Accepting regional information

Manfred Stienstra, the first endeavor in legalizing Bittorrent, launched recently. I was pleasantly surprised that they didn’t put a really large badge on the frontpage saying, “if you’re not in the US, please leave.”

Following the example of the ever successful iTunes Store most, maybe all, of the purchasable video content is marked ‘US only’. Alas. Not deferred by the tag I tried to purchase something by clicking one of the big red ‘Buy’ buttons. Then I found out how they secured the shop against non-US customers.

Screenshot showing asking for a 5 digit zipcode

I could really see myself renting Clockwork Orange for 3 bucks, I hope they fix the form validation when they start selling content to the rest of the world. And when they’re done fixing the validation they might also want to look into the other slight problem.

You’re reading an archived weblog post that was originally published on our website.