Blocked host on Rails 6
If you’re upgrading to Rails 6 you may find the following error in your browser:
To allow requests to hostname, add the following to your environment configuration:
config.hosts << "hostname"
You ran into Host Authorization, new middleware included in Rails to prevent against DNS rebinding attacks.
By default this feature allows requests from
, ::
, and localhost
. There are basically two ways to work around this.
The first option is to whitelist the development hostname in config/environments/development.rb
Rails.application.configure do
# Whitelist one hostname
config.hosts << "hostname"
# Whitelist a test domain. Rails adds \A and \z around
# your regular expressions.
config.hosts << /application\.local/
The second option is to clear the entire whitelist, which lets through requests for all hostnames.
Rails.application.configure do
Never whitelist everything in production as it essentially turns off the feature.