Weblog archive
Design & Development
Blocked host on Rails 6
The definitive guide to the Ruby on Rails 5.2 development environment
More best practices for authentication in Ruby on Rails
Action packed controllers
Some best practices for authentication in Ruby on Rails
How to run your business when you don’t know what you’re doing
Speed up your Travis CI test runs with WAD
Concurrent e-mail fetching in Charm
Fast tests in Ruby on Rails
Fast test suite boot times with Ruby on Rails
Learning to estimate development time accurately
Balancing CPU cost when using BCrypt
A quick note on dependencies in Ruby on Rails projects
How to add Notification Center support to your website or app
Functional View and Controller testing with RubyMotion
A conversation with Thomas Fuchs about working with us
How to add a Help Book to a Mac OS X Preference Pane
A reasonable way to show high resolution images on retina displays
Eloy on The Changelog
Welcoming Jeff Kreeftmeijer to the team
The iPad is great for customer surveys, questionnaires and other promotional use
Using Amiok to quickly check if configured sites on a shared Apache server respond properly
Eloy will be speaking at SecondConf 2011
Appsterdam Guru Session: Test Driven Development
How to prevent jagged edges when using CSS transformations in Mobile Safari
RubyKaigi 2011
Four days for Appsterdam, Day 4: Roundup
Four days for Appsterdam, Day 3: What we’ve done so far and simple solutions
Five Languages in Five Days
Four days for Appsterdam, Day 2: Twitter authentication and the member form
Four days for Appsterdam, Day 1: Requirements, wireframes and Test-Driven Development
The Meaning of HTML5
How to work around the Mobile Safari image resource limit
We won the Ruby And Rails 2010 Rumble with Miner
Help them find the login form
Security through clarity: keeping secrets in a multi-server Amazon EC2 setup
Nap now with
client certificate support
Move from MD5 to bcrypt hashed password without bothering users
Ruby 1.9 character encoding field notes
February 4th: ‘Morning coffee’ meeting in Amsterdam
Ordering and comparing text in Rails and MySQL
Broach: a Campfire API implementation for Ruby
Mocha loading order
Ruby en Rails 2009 Rumble: Apprise
Highly interactive JavaScript widgets
New OS, more pane! (Passenger preference pane v1.3)
Ruby on OS X Conference Videos
Collecting with Moksi
Stubbing with Moksi
Rails 2.3 is faster
MySQL character encoding trouble pre Rails 1.2
Nested attributes in Rails 2.3!
Nested models and forms
Adding development gem dependencies to a rails application.
Unichars 0.2 released
Free result after using ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute
Testing randomness
ActiveSupport::Multibyte Updated
Aliasing dangerous methods in your tests
The last year or so
Putting the pane back into deployment
Ruby Banter #011
Ruby Banter #010
Testing multiple calls to an object
Ruby Banter #009
Passenger on 64-bit Mac OS X
Using Passenger on OS X for Rails development
Welcoming Eloy Duran
Fast and easy Rails hosting with Phusion Passenger
Ruby Banter #008
Ruby on Rails 2.0
December 20th: ‘Morning coffee’ meeting in Amsterdam
Ruby Banter #007
Patching Rails Edge to stay bug free
Ruby Banter #006
Ruby Banter #005
October 11th: Another ‘morning coffee’ meeting in Amsterdam
Ruby Banter #004
Ruby Banter #003
Helpers are for small snippets of code
Ruby Banter #002
July 5th: Next ‘morning coffee’ meeting in Amsterdam
Ruby Banter #001
RubyEnRails 2007
Flex can't do REST
Best tech ad. Ever.
Ruby Banter – Exploring the Fringes of Ruby
Testing with attachment_fu
Quick ActiveSupport::Multibyte glossary trick
OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError with SOAP4r and the Rubyforge gem
Using OpenStruct as mock for ActiveRecord
Accepting regional information
Things have changed
Ruby and MySQL encoding flakiness
Please welcome Norbert Crombach
Third ‘morning coffee’ meeting in Amsterdam
Dynamic forms with the repetition model
Rails 1.2 Released
Rijnboutt Van der Vossen Rijnboutt on the shortlist
Nice meeting, short video
The Proxy Pattern in Ruby
Second ‘morning coffee’ meeting in Amsterdam
URoR 1: Set the Content-Type
His computer is a SGI O2
Fcgimon updated
Rails ‘show and tell’ photos
Rails ‘show and tell’ talks
An excellent and pragmatic proposal for easier Unicode support in Rails
Embedding applications with Javascript
Rails ‘show and tell’ meeting
Rhubarb on Rails
Lowering the TCO
Lots of Rails developers having coffee
Rails ‘morning coffee’ meeting FAQ
Handheld stylesheet
Rails ‘morning coffee’ meeting in Amsterdam
Monitoring and managing fcgi processes using fcgimon
Pair programming
Validating feeds in functional tests
Chad Fowler on Monkeypatching
Encoding in Rails
Lazily sweeping the whole Rails page cache
TextMate addi(c)tions
Test your plugins!
You’re browsing an archive of the weblog posts we published on our website from 2005 to 2020.